The Conflicts Between John Proctor And Abigail Williams In The Crucible By Arthur Miller

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There has been a lot of people who cheat on their wives or husbands and it ends up with a terrible result. In Arthur Miller’s story The Crucible, John Proctor and Abigail Williams have an affair and this creates a lot of problems and ends up in a tragic result in the play. In this story, John Proctor decides to break up his affair with Abigail Williams, and she leads the other girls in the practicing of witchcraft to demand the death of Elizabeth. When people find out about the witchcraft, the girls have to go to trial and accusations begin to start. Elizabeth is a suspect of witchcraft and John’s attempt to defend Elizabeth ends up worse for John. Unresolved conflicts between two people can have tragic results because the affair between John and Abigail creates complications because it provides reasons for Abigail's accusation of Elizabeth and others. Abigail accuses Elizabeth of witchcraft because Abigail is jealous of Elizabeth’s relationship with John. The affair between John and Abigail ruins the Proctor’s marriage, it empowers Abigail, and it causes John to confess his adultery. To begin, the affair ruins the marriage between John and Elizabeth …show more content…
John, who was innocent, (ADJ Clause) wanted to accept death because he knew he was innocent. John did not want innocent people to have to give up their goodness: “Because it is my name! Because I cannot have another in my life! Because I lie and I sign myself to lies!” (Miller 1333). John Proctor struggles with the idea of sacrificing his good life. Refusing to sign his name, (Participle Phrase) John did not want to sign something that is a lie. Another reason John confesses his adultery is because he ruins himself by confessing. John has left his name to the town and wants everyone to remember his name: “I have given you my soul; leave me my name” (Miller 1333). John Proctor will suffer forever because he confesses his adultery and he wants to have a decent

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