How Is Abigail Williams Change In The Crucible

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There are many characters in The Crucible by Arthur Miller that make the entire plot fall into place like magic. Abigail Williams, the niece of Reverend Parris, started rumors, an army of girls, and made accusations that turned the village of Salem upside-down. Abigail was a 17 year-old orphan whom was described as “strikingly beautiful” but outspoken. Several characters in The Crucible are very dynamic, none like Abigail Williams who changes between each act of the play; she makes sinless hands sinful, controls all of the girls in the village, kills many, and still manages to gets away in the end. Abigail is first introduced when she is accused of dancing and drinking a blood charm with Tituba, Reverend Parris’ slave. Abigail Williams, Betty …show more content…
Their neighbors, their family friends, their own kin. The girls would make an accusation and then take a role in the defendant’s trial. The girls would claim spectral evidence, which is not credible in current time. The “ring-leader” of this operation against the proclaimed witches was none other than Abigail William. “I want to open myself! … I saw Sarah Good with the Devil! I saw Goody Osborn with the Devil! I saw Bridget Bishop with the Devil!” (Miller 48). This was the first time that Abigail directly accused anyone of being “with the Devil”. Abigail is getting villager after villager hung, or imprisoned she eventually has to turn against one of her friends, Mary Warren. Mary was convinced by Proctor to claim that all of the girls were lying, and were not actually seeing “spirits”. After the claim Abigail and her girls face Mary in court. “Looking about in the air, clasping her arms about her as though cold: I – I know not. A wind, a cold wind, has come. Her eyes fall on Mary Warren” (Miller 108). When Abigail is demonstrating her take on the wind, the other girls begin to do the same. They shiver, wheeze in fear, panic as if being hexed by a servant of Satan. The ring-leader has to be manipulative if they want to remain in control of their own fate. Abigail does that

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