Literary Devices In Abigail Williams

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Gender, age, and status were just a few of the things that played a role in the tough life of Abigail Williams; a life that though unknowingly, fostered a continued growth of hatred and anger inside of her. And it was Abigail 's ascension to power that put her in a position to act on that anger. What may have started as a small lover 's quarrel between her, Proctor, and Elizabeth quickly grew to massive proportions with the witch trials. And Abigail, being as perceptive as she was, did not hesitate to seize the day. Using vivid imagery, religious appeals, repetition, and theatrics; Abigail turns the trials into her stepping stone to begin her onslaught of vengeance and accusation. Attacking everyone, innocent or otherwise as she marvels in …show more content…
Ending the mess with Mary Warren. Putting on yet another show for her audience Abigail starts by pinning evidence on Mary, but this was in real time. By calling out Mary’s spirit in the lines “ why do you come, yellow bird ” (114) setting her tone now to a very fragile, and scared one. Emphasizing her place as the victim in this situation,. And what’s more, she addresses the bird in first person, (why do you come here) as if to personify it. This has the effect of clearly labeling this bird as supernatural (if that wasn 't already clear since Abigail was the only one that could see it). Since a normal bird would have no capability of understanding or responding to Abigail’s question, just the act of her asking one makes it the logical conclusion that this was not infact a real bird but some sort of witchcraft set out upon Abigail. By doing this Abigail brings in the best sort of evidence she can. Since the attack was happening in front of everyone, Mary could not deny that the event had taken place. Equivalent to if a man being tried for murder were to kill the prosecutor on the court floor, for everyone to see. But to lock this one down, the moment Mary attempts to Deny these accusations, Abigail and the girls enter a fit of repetition in a “now staring full front as though hypnotized and mimicking the exact tone of Mary Warren” (115) . By all of them repeating everything Mary says in unison, with what was only three seconds for them to synchronize and no communication between them; It becomes undoubtedly clear that this must be witchcraft. Such a terrifying thing could only be explained by witchcraft. So at this point Abigail had already won, and Mary could do nothing to save

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