In the film, there are a group of young girls that follow Abigail’s moves. Further, the girls built on to Abigail's stories and acts. For example, in the courtroom, Abigail started to shout that something was possessing her and that she saw numerous people with the devil. Building on so the act was not deterred from, the group of girls started shouting that they were also seeing others with the devil and being possessed. Not only is Abigail quick to put on a believable act to blame others, she has support behind her. This act is very believable because the pack cries wolf together. All the girls start doing what Abigail usually does first and they keep it going until they are free of blame or acquitted from one of the many things they have participated in. Abigail is the leader of the girls that help deter her from the radar. No one suspects that Abigail started witchcraft, due to the evidence that shows she is afflicted. Her power to change others minds and opinions show that she started the witchcraft hysteria. The most believable act in all of Salem led to one of the most important reasons why Abigail started witchcraft hysteria. By having all the girls cry wolf about the same person, Abigail got what she wanted; Elizabeth Proctor in the pool of …show more content…
What Abigail wanted the most was Elizabeth Proctor out of the picture. All she wanted was John for herself without him getting charged with adultery. In the film, Abigail secretly meets up with John. She meets him in secret so no one sees them together. When they meet up Abigail is all over John. Sadly he wants nothing to do with her. She realizes he does not want her because of Elizabeth. We know John would do anything for his wife. To get her to stop John pushed Abigail and hits her. She then runs away with a plan. Out of spite, Abigail uses the doll Mary gave Elizabeth as a tool to her goal. A way to get her away for awhile or forever. Abigail knew there was a needle in the doll where Mary Warren had left it after finishing it up. She then proceeded with her plan and stabbed herself. By her stabbing herself she made it seem as it was a sign of the devil and voodoo. Showing the others she easily made the story of voodoo and blamed the Proctors doll. The judges went to the Proctor home and Elizabeth was placed under arrest and put on trial. Abigail was close to her goal of getting Elizabeth killed. Unfortunately, it did not work out. it took many steps to get her killed. Abigail tried to get Elizabeth killed by falsely accusing her of witchcraft and by starting whole witchcraft hysteria in