The Crucible John Proctor Tragic Hero

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Heroes are everywhere from Superman to Batman we’ve seen them all; or have we? “The Crucible” written by Arthur Miller embodies the perfect tragic hero. A noble man gone through a tragic flaw and reversed fortune, John Proctor. In the town of Salem, Massachusetts where Puritanistic beliefs empowered everyone's lives. A group of girls go out into the woods to dance with a slave. During their dancing they were caught by their town minister, Rev. Parris. Rev. Parris’ daughter Betty, who was also dancing along her cousin Abigail, fell into a coma like sickness. The townspeople all began whispering that these girls were being taken over by the Devil. When being prosecuted on their doings, one girl stood out from the bench to lead all of the accusations, Abigail Williams. Using her power Abigail was quick to accuse her enemies of witchcraft, especially Goody Proctor. Goody Proctor was the wife of John Proctor, who abigail had an affair with and still lusted over. John Proctor didn't feel the same and he vowed to do anything to save his wife and family and very importantly his name. John Proctor is a perfect example of tragic hero. In the Crucible John Proctor is a tragic hero because of his past, his integrity and his name …show more content…
The last moments of “The Crucible” Jonh Proctor willingly goes for execution than for him to have his name posted on the doors the their Puritan church accusing him of being a witch. He thought of his name is a noble way , almost sacred;“Goody Proctor your husband is marked to hang this morning” (pg 1224) Rev. Hale is talking to the wife of John Proctor who was about to be taken for execution. Hale wants her to do something to save his life but she know that in the goodness of John Proctor's heart he would rather face death than sacrifice his

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