The octagonal building has its point of symmetry and focus at the center (Shine), emphasizing the importance of looking inward. The simplicity of the surroundings encourages pilgrims to look within themselves for spiritual inspiration and meaning, as lack of complex visual stimulation in the design spurs the mind to focus on things beyond the physical. Blank walls hold no lavish decoration or extravagance that could distract from visitors’ introspection. There are no titillating sculpture installations, grandiose painted ceilings or expensive marble columns as in other places of worship, such as Bernini’s Cornaro Chapel (Gardner’s), and other establishments that prosper from increased patronage. Bernini and Rothko’s chapels are both designed to enhance and supplement worship, but the latter does not strive to seduce people into attendance with spectacle. That is not the
The octagonal building has its point of symmetry and focus at the center (Shine), emphasizing the importance of looking inward. The simplicity of the surroundings encourages pilgrims to look within themselves for spiritual inspiration and meaning, as lack of complex visual stimulation in the design spurs the mind to focus on things beyond the physical. Blank walls hold no lavish decoration or extravagance that could distract from visitors’ introspection. There are no titillating sculpture installations, grandiose painted ceilings or expensive marble columns as in other places of worship, such as Bernini’s Cornaro Chapel (Gardner’s), and other establishments that prosper from increased patronage. Bernini and Rothko’s chapels are both designed to enhance and supplement worship, but the latter does not strive to seduce people into attendance with spectacle. That is not the