The Importance Of Quality Of Care And Life In Nursing Homes

Improved Essays
The quality of life is defined as the standard health, comfort, and happiness by an individual. While the quality of life is dealing with overall life, the quality of care is based on the care received in the nursing home. There were many authors writing of the quality of care and life in nursing homes. I came across many researches and articles dealing with the topic. Throughout my conductive research I have discovered that there are different contributors that determines the quality of care and life. There are different varieties of contributors that determine the quality of care and life. In the United States the long-term care facilities, nursing homes, are common places for many elders. In studies they have identified staffing as one …show more content…
Also an article stated that in 1986, the Institute of Medicine cited both the inappropriate use of antipsychotic drugs and physical restraints, as well as inadequate treatment of depression in nursing homes. In response, when Congress enacted the Nursing Home Reform Act as part of the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987, it included regulations designed to address the unmet mental health needs of nursing home residents.(Rahman Momotazur). Nursing homes with higher proportion of residents with a mental illness have been shown to have the worse quality of care with all residents. While in the past it may have been worse but now in time NHs have had a rise in Quality of care for patients with mental …show more content…
There are a variety different definitions of teams. Teams are a group of workers that come together to accomplish things. The results showed that teams was significantly positively related to two out of three quality of care indices when controlling for ward size, days of sick leave and care level.(Havig, Anders Kvale). In studies it has been shown that actual teams with the education and right training are best for nursing homes and their quality of care. Dysfunctional teams have been seen to have a lower quality of care. The quality of care has many contributors from the nursing staff to the mental illness you have. In nursing home the Quality of care can be better and they have been working towards ways to improve the quality of care. There have been improvement to policies for the nursing home to help improve the quality of care in nursing homes. The quality of care has many contributors from the nursing staff to the mental illness you

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