In Vitro Fertilization Argumentative Essay

Improved Essays
What is an embryo? As far as human being goes it is a fertilized egg, an organism that cannot survive on its own. The embryo becomes a fetus only after the eighth week of pregnancy. There are animal and plant embryos too. Why is it sometimes necessary to freeze human embryos? In many cases where couples are unable to conceive after going through extensive fertility treatments resort to In vitro fertilization or the implanting of the embryo to the receiver who is the mother or a surrogate mother. The mother or the receiver goes through controlled “superovulation” techniques to stimulate the ovaries to produce more eggs. When multiple eggs are produced there are multiple chances of having embryos or the fertilized eggs, bringing the possibility of conception to a much higher level. During this course of in vitro fertilization the receiver may be unable to go through the full procedure due to various reasons, and then the couple may resort to freezing the embryo for later use. There various other factors too. Embryos are donated to infertile women and for research purposes too. These embryos are frozen till they are used. Embryos are collected and fertilized and implanted in the recipient. The first such implant was performed 25 years ago, since then millions of children are born to parents who would have been childless due to infertility. It has brought hope and happiness to Millions of family. This technology has benefited same sex couples, single women wanting to have babies and as I mentioned earlier infertile couples. Before this technology came into practice, many infertile couples spent thousands of dollars and years and years going through fertility treatment and were more often disappointed than were successful. Many researches are done throughout the world with donated embryos. This research has resulted in many wonderful scientific discoveries. The article IN VITRO FERTILIZATION AND EMBRYO TRANSFER gives a clear over view of the technology of human frozen embryos, the technology of in vitro fertilization. …show more content…
It high lights the problems and risks of this technology in a very detailed and step by step manner. After reading this article even a lay person gets to understand the advantage and the problems facing the couple going through this treatment. There is another article too called WHAT FACTORS ARE IMPORTANT FOR SUCCESSFUL EMBRYO TRENSFER AFTER IN-VITRO FERTILIZATION is another article that gives a good in sight to this technology and its evolution. This article very good to but it is not the latest publication but a good reading material. The disadvantage of this technology is immense too. The person undergoing this treatment has to go through a whole bunch of regimen. First she needs to take medication to induce “superovulation,” in order to …show more content…
There religious and ethical objections to this kind of treatment. If the couple going through treatment passes away unless there provision made the embryo will then be discarded. Religious and ethical group view an embryo as having life. The question also arises about undocumented donors. Some may be coerced to donate their eggs by middle men who make money out of. These kinds of practice are rampant in the third world countries. The ethical group also challenges these issues. These kinds of treatment are practiced all over the world now. How safe are they are the question the medical group are

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