What Should Embryonic Stem Cell Research?

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The United States of America is the leading country in medical research followed closely by The United Kingdom and Germany. Embryonic stem cell research is a huge opportunity for further advancement. Although some oppose embryonic stem cell research on the grounds of their personal morals, the government has a responsibility to promote research on embryonic stem cells. Embryonic stem cells have the potential to treat incurable diseases; stopping this research would hinder medical treatment and ultimately hurt those affected by diseases that could be treated.
Embryonic stem cell research should be furthered based on medical research. If allowed to continue, incurable diseases may have treatment options in the future. Julie Hutto explains that,
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Janet Rowley says that, “The parents of these embryos could allow them to die, or they could donate the embryos for research that someday might benefit patients with incurable diseases. This is a high purpose, one that promotes both human health and understanding.” ("Human Embryonic Stem Cell Research Can Meet Ethical Guidelines”). In the patients of In Vitro Fertilization have the opportunity to donate their unused embryos to embryonic stem cell research. These cells would otherwise be discarded. Embryonic stem cell research is ethical because the rightful owners of the cells chose their fate. Additionally, instead of being discarded the cells are used for a higher purpose. The holders of the embryos should have the option of whether or not they want to discard or donate their cells. Embryonic stem cell research should continue because the donation process is completely …show more content…
Julie Hutto notes that, “Stem cell research could also lead to the development of replacement organs, supplying a much-needed resource in the face of organ donation shortages.”(Hutto). Embryonic stem cell research could not only reveal treatment for diseases, but for birth defects and other organ related illnesses. Embryonic stem cells could become replacement organs. Replacement organs are more effective than an organ from an adult donor. Embryonic stem cells are more efficient than adult tissue for this purpose because of their low chance of rejection and unspecified purpose. These stem cells are so versatile they can mature into any other cell or tissue needed. Allowing research on embryonic cells would ensure each patient in need gets an organ in a timely manner. Embryonic stem cell research should be promoted by the United States government because it would improve the organ donation

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