The Negative Consequences Of Stress

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Stress is not only threatening to oneself, but more to the people that care about those who are undergoing stress. In the article “Stress Causes Health Problems, Which Then Cause More Stress” by Richard Knox, he explains how “according to research by the Eliza Corp. and the Altarum Institute, people caring for sick or disabled family members are nearly twice as likely to suffer from chronic health conditions themselves, and are 63 percent more likely to die, than noncaregivers the same age.” This conveys the idea that people who are taking on more responsibility than they can handle by pressure lead to negative consequences, unfortunately. Stress was once a necessity to one’s survival; however, it can cause negative effects, physical and …show more content…
For example, in the “Stress and Anxiety” article, it lists symptoms, like how stress can restrict blood flow to the heart and “stress causes the body to release inflammatory markers into the bloodstream. These markers may worsen heart disease or increase the risk of a heart attack or stroke.” Another example is by Landau who explains how, ‘People who are under stress are more likely to gain weight and to smoke, and are less likely to sleep well or exercise,’ which can lead to cardiovascular and other diseases Landua qtd Merz. Also according to the article, “Stress and Anxiety” in the New York Times by A.D.A.M., it explains how stress can have major effects on the human heart and the immune system, which can later cause heart disease and for people to be more vulnerable to colds. This is because “chronic stress may produce physical or psychological damage over time” (A.D.A.M.). As for emotional damage “stressful life events have been consistently associated with an increase in depressive symptoms (see Mazure, 1998 for a review) and the onset of major depression in both adults (Hammen, 2005; Stroud, Davila, & Moyer, 2008) and adolescents (e.g., Abela & Skitch, 2006)” (Shapero 209). This explains how stress can lead to depression, which can be an example of emotional damage. Stress was something that was essential for human survival, but now too much stress can actually cause ones

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