How Stress Affects The Brain

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stress isnt always a bad thing. it can he handy for a burst of energy. when stress becomes constant it actually begins to change the brain. chronic stress can effect brain structure and how it functions (J Bremner, 2006). Stress begins with the hypothalamus pituitary adrenal axis.It is here, that a series of interactions between endocrne glands, the brain and kidneys occur. In turn, controling how the bodies reacts to stress. Therefore, when brain detects a stressful situation, HPA becomes activated and instantly releases a hormone known as cortisol (McEwen, 2007) . This hormone prepares the body for instant reaction. However, when high levels of cortisol is activated over a period of time, it can have a negative impact on ones health. Cortisol …show more content…
it is a hardwired physical responce that travels throughout your body. this can not just damage brain but damage body. adrenal gland realses cortisol, pinephrine and norephine as these hormoenes travel throughout bloodstream. they reach blood vessels and herat. adrenaline can raise bp and cause heart to beat faster. overtime causing hypertension. cortisol can cause endothyliem (inner lining of blood vessels) to not function properly. scientists now know that this is an early process of triggering of atheroscsclerosis also known as chloesterol plaque builld up resulting in heartattack or stroke. when brain senses stress it activitaes automaonic nervous system indicates stress then to intestinal system. this brain gut system can disturb natural rthymeic contractions that mood food through your gut leading to ibs, can increase guts sensitivity to acid . via guts nervous system stress can also change the composition and fucntion of ur gut bacteria which may effect digestive and over all health. stress can also effect your waistline. cortisol can increase appetitie. it tells u to restore energy through energy dense food causing you to crave carbs. activiely relaeases hormones and immune system chemicals called cytokines. this can increase your riskk of developing chronic diseases such as insulin resistence. stress hormones effect immune system in a number of ways. initally they help fight invaders and heel

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