The Play "Sure Thing" from David Ives examines the endless situations of boy meets girl and the cliché pickup lines. The central theme throughout the play displays a few possible conversations that end with a ringing bell that seems a fresh start with a second chance to make a good impression. The basic conversations start in a coffee shop with two characters which are Bill and Betty. From the beginning till the end of the play one can see a series of pickup lines. The lines start out fast with short feedback from the woman. All humans are critical of their fellow human traits by being critical about their looks, cars, personal belongings, etc. There is an old saying “You never have a second chance to make a first …show more content…
It is almost like the bell that is used for boxing match which divides the round and lets the boxer rest before the next round begins. The play begins when Betty is setting down quietly reading her book and Bill walks in and the dialogue starts out very slow and short between them. Bill glances at the book which happens to be “The Sound and the Fury” by William Faulkner. In Bill’s pick up line he misinterprets the author. Generally women like men who are interesting and have a sense of humor. In the next round Betty repeats the question again but Bill said he lied about ever going to college. When the bell rings again and Bill says to Betty that he graduated from Harvard just to make him sound like a more intelligent person. Most people try not to criticize about other people’s appearances and background information but deep down inside everyone has a goal in life to find the perfect person, the perfect apple to their pie. People shouldn’t be dignified by other human aspects but they should be somewhat aware of the person intelligence. Education brings out a human being’s substantial qualities. In “Sure Thing” they used different scenes to see how one reacts to different situations. They different scenarios in how to pick up …show more content…
With technology improving, it takes away some of the sentimental value of being able to meet someone face to face rather over a dating site. The first date is always the most important and people need to realize that. First impressions can make or break the start of a relationship. The way you act to one another when you first see each other tells a lot on how the relationship is going to go. In the video “Sure Thing” they used a bell to basically restart if they didn’t like the direction that the conversation was going. The video makes it seem like you have to watch what you say whenever you do go on a date because you don’t want the conversation to go into an awkward direction. So for say, you take a girl out on a date, you’re not going to act your complete utterly self, you’re going to have manners and you’re going to hear what she has to say and be respectful. From previous relationships, you learn what’s better to say as the conversation goes on. When you feel comfortable with someone, you’ll know then that things will just go significantly smooth. With technology you have time to reply and don’t have to answer right on the spot. That’s what also takes away the value of meeting someone because you can be perfectly fine with writing someone over the internet but once you meet them your mind will