In the book Aristotle and Dante Discover the Mysteries of the Universe, Aristotle gets a 1959, cherry red, chevy pickup truck. This was the car that he had been wanting forever. When he first got it, he could not stop looking at the amazing truck. He would do everything in it. Aristotle ,or Ari for short, would eat breakfast in it, sleep in it, even play with his dog in it. But, the one thing that he did the most was take the truck out into the desert and lay in the bed. He lay there and watch the stars. While he lay there, he would wonder and think. Ari would lay there and do nothing but try and discover the wonders and mysteries in his own little universe.
The Rain:
Ari and Dante love the rain. They would do the most random things in the rain. The rain is not only something that they love but something that they hate. The rain was cause of all of their happiness and their grief. There was an accident that was caused by the rain but there was also a miracle because of the rain. There was secrets that were spilled by the drip of the rain and confession made by the sprinkle of the sky's water. Dante always said that he wanted to be as beautiful as rain. Ari said that he wanted to be as free as the rain. The rain, one of the only thing …show more content…
He had several rules such as no crying, no apologies, no talking about “the accident”. Then again, it's not hard to make rules when you have to follow so many yourself. Ari parents are protective of him. Not as overprotective as Dante’s parents. His parents wont let him even go out without knowing where he was going and with who. At least Ari’s parents gave him some room. It was funny thought how Dante could never escape rules. As hard as he tried he could never escape the thing that follows him everywhere. All Dante ever wanted was to be free but he can't with all of theses rules on him. Some of the rules that Ari set are just stupid but I guess they are his