Summary: The First Fast Food Revolution

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The Newest Food Revolution
Originally, food had always been an art made from scratch, but in the 1950’s a man by the name of Ray Kroc transformed food into a science. The mass production and consistency of this newfound method birthed the first fast food revolution. But there is no question that the first fast food revolution is outdated. According to “The Trouble with Fries” by Malcolm Gladwell, written in 2001, mass produced food presented as being healthy does not sell well. Based on “A Seismic Shift in How People Eat” by Hans Taparia and Pamela Koch, written in 2015, consumers are now walking away from mass produced foods, which are typically processed and seeking healthier, more freshly prepared options. The shift from eating fast food
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Taparia and Koch write “There was a time when consumers used to walk through every aisle of the grocery store, but today much of their time is being spent in the perimeter of the store with its vast collection of fresh products — raw produce, meats, bakery items and fresh prepared foods” (2) The healthy options attract consumers, but it still leaves every other aisle in the store. Unhealthy ingredients need to be substituted for healthier ingredients to draw the consumer back in. Gladwell introduces “But nobody was fooled when it came to the McLean Deluxe. It was sold as the healthy choice—and who goes to McDonald’s for health food?” (9). The McLean Deluxe contained meat that 's fat was replaced by seaweed and was preferred over typical store bought ground beef in a blind test. So in fact this question many years ago would have been a no brainer, no one goes to McDonalds for healthy food. As our eating habits have changed,realistically there may be more positive feedback than what was anticipated years ago. After all, Taparia and Koch observe “Frozen dinner sales are down nearly 12 percent from 2007 to 2013. Sales per outlet at McDonald’s have been on a downward spiral for nearly three years, with no end in sight” (2) It could be that McDonald’s providing healthier choices isn’t enough. In order for them or any other manufacturer to make a comeback it

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