Koshiq, you ate rice every single day. On your first day of recording you ate two cups of rice, the intake of rice should be 2 servings per week. Your rice intake is 7 servings a week. It looks like on the weekends you eat rice twice a day. It seems that when you are at school, you eat less rice, and the opposite when you stay home. Rice gives you a lot of energy. White Rice contains simple carbohydrates. While this might seem good simple carbohydrates gives you energy for a limited amount of time, also rice is processed and contains lots of sugar.
Your breakfast mainly consist of Grains, Fats and Oils, and Liquids. Grains are a great way to get energy. Fats and Oils are high on calorie. While Fats and Oils are bad, they provide a major role. Fat can store energy, the energy is a long time use. Breakfast is the most …show more content…
As I discussed before, processed meats can cause colorectal cancer. Looking at your daily food log, it looks like you prep meat with fats and oils. Fats and Oils makes the food you are about to eat, unhealthier. I recommend eating less meat and don’t use lots or no fats and oils. Meats are considered important because of the amount of protein it can provide. Pseudo Grains provide lots of protein. Pseudo Grains are eaten like rice. So if you eat Keenwa, or Buckwheat. there is no reason for meat. It provides the more minerals, and vitamins than regular