If the consequences of the nurses’ workloads are affecting the patient care, the dangers of patient survival rates will start to decrease. Insufficient sleep is not only putting the patients in danger, but is also putting the their own lives on the line. Rogers states, “Laboratory studies have shown that moderate levels of prolonged wakefulness can produce performance impairments equivalent to or greater than levels of intoxication deemed unacceptable for driving, working, and/or operating dangerous equipment”(Rogers …show more content…
Before choosing a lifetime career you have to think of all sides. One will never start from the best job available, they must work all the way up and do the worst of the work sometimes. Nurses are beginning to feel unappreciated by the hospital administrators for everything they do on the everyday jobs. Many don’t want to work in extreme overloads, for bare pay and aren’t appreciated for what they do.
In doing research, one tends to find several “causes” for the current nursing shortage, but hospital administrators are still not in agreement regarding any one main cause. Hospitals and researchers have no idea what could be the cause. All that is known is that ”Prolonged shortages also might reduce the quantity of patient care, increase operating and labor costs, and decrease the efficiency and effectiveness of care provided” (Buerhaus et al.). With the cause being unknown, it becomes even harder to keep nurses in the work