According to the Nursing Shortage Fact Sheet, there is expected to be a growing shortage of registered nurses between 2009 and 2030. The reason for the national shortage is due to Baby Boomers aging and the growing need for healthcare, as well as many nursing schools having difficulty expanding capacity. In a free market, I would predict more competitive job offerings being presented to nurses, including more benefits and higher wages. The reason I predict this is because, since there is a shortage, employers will have to offer incentives such as these in order to look attractive to potential workers and therefore fill the newly available…
Nursing Shortage Nursing shortage is beginning to rise as a result of baby boomers retiring, the acuity of patient care admitted to the hospital, and nurses changing their profession as the result of being burnt out. The idea of nursing shortage in the clinical setting, can be associated with the risk of poor quality care rendered to the patient. As the quality of care rendered to the patient declines, the patient becomes at risk for hospital acquired pneumonia, decubitus, and urinary tract infection. Also, the nursing staff will be paid for overtimes and as a result this can affect the budget established by the organization. Insurance companies will not pay for hospital acquired pneumonia, decubitus and urinary tract infection.…
A cohort of nurses entered the profession in the 1970s have aged into their 60s and are getting ready to retire, McMenamin says. So between now and 2022, not only will there be an expected half-million nursing jobs from growing demand — but also another half-million nurses will retire and need to be replaced. (Ramach) The demand for nurses are…
Over the past several years, the demand for nursing staff has increased tremendously. In fact, the nursing shortage in the United States is anticipated to grow to 260,000 by 2025. (Buerhas, Auerbach, & Staiger, 2009). This foreseen shortage in nurses builds off of the knowledge that the average age of nurses is increasing, whilst the demand for nurses increases. More nurses are retiring or are close to retirement and an equal amount of nurses are not being recruited to organizations to take over the jobs of nurses that have left.…
This articles talks about the importance of nursing residency programs. It is estimated that the number of experienced registered nurses will decline for the future, making new nurses graduates the only available solution for this shortage. The 2004 registered nurse sample survey reported that 55 % of RNs will retire between 2011 and 2020. Nurses graduated at the baccalaureate level seems to be the target for hospitals since nurses at this level of education have stronger backgrounds in different areas such as leadership, research informatics evidenced based practice and critical thinking skills.…
The nursing shortage is a crisis that has been rumored for years. Unfortunately, there are many truths to this rumor and every nurse has been affected by this shortage at some point in their career. Just in recent decades, the economy had led to the nursing shortage. The nursing shortage needs nursing programs and hospital programs to augment and graduate competent registered nurses that can step into the registered nurse role. All nurses need to join and support the American Nurses Association and other nursing groups so that those groups can go in front of our Legislatures, and get Bills passed to mandate overtime so that nurses are not exhausted and can give competent patient care.…
The second essay I was asked to write was a research proposal essay. The research proposal essay was a formal memorandum asking permission from our instructor to use a chosen thesis. I like everyone else in the class titled it “Memorandum.” My chosen topic was about the nursing shortage and how it is a serious crisis that needs to be focused on. I chose to write about this topic because I will someday be going into this field and I don't want to suffer from the effects of a nursing shortage, so by telling even just a few people more attention will be brought to the subject.…
Within the next ten years, more than one million registered nurses in the United States will be eligible for retirement. This will potentially leave the nursing profession with the largest shortage in history. The need for health care is only growing due to the aging baby boomer population. “Nursing researchers have noted that the projected nursing shortage, if not rectified, is expected to affect health care cost, job satisfaction and quality patient care” (Lartey, 2014, p. 1027). Without an adequate number of nurses’ patient safety is at risk, resulting in medical errors due to understaffing.…
Even though each nursing shortage is unique, their reasons for why they occurred and the strategies used to address them are strikingly similar (Whelan,…
Summary Three colleague where asked to offer their impressions of the anticipated changes to health care delivery and the new role of nurses in hospital settings, communities, clinics, and medical homes. Each colleague had her idea or preference of what they favor or liked about the principles of how healthcare will be delivered. However, it was agreed upon that the health care delivery system is changing and that the new healthcare reform has made a huge impact on how healthcare is delivered and the role that nurses will play. Even though, one colleague is not in favor of the new health reform, she realize that the affordable healthcare act has notable objectives, the programs implemented cannot be successful without addressing the need…
I started working in nursing in 1998 as a CNA in a local nursing home. The nursing home I worked in did not require mandatory overtime for nursing staff. Nurses and CNAs could volunteer to stay over and work if they wanted. If staffing could not be found, everyone just had to work short. This was not a very big issue at the time and we usually had enough staffing to cover the facility, but things have changed and most facilities are short nursing staff.…
Franchesca, Great post! I agree with you that working as a team can help to alleviate the nursing shortage. I believe the nursing is a problem that one person cannot fix alone. Collectively we can work together to bring awareness to communities that more nurses are needed as baby boomers approach retirement. Individually we can help by continuing our education.…
To better understand the apparent persistent shortage of registered nurses several areas have been examined. The data collected has shown that during recession years the demand for hospital nursing care increases dramatically. As the economy improves, this demand is lessened. During the high demand period hospitals hire temporary nurses which allow the hospital to move part time nurses to full time status. It is interesting to notice that the temporary nurses that are available are, for the most part, retired nurses.…
There are many issues that affect the profession of nursing, however there is one issue that has been affecting the nursing profession for decades and this issue is the nursing shortage in the United States. There has always seemed to be a nursing shortage in the United States, until the recent recession that started in 2007. The Great Recession of 2007 made it so older nurses did not retire when he or she normally would have and other nurses came out of retirement to help support his or her family during the recession. Per Juraschek, Zhang, Ranganathan, and Lin (2012), starting in 2003 the age group of forty-five to fifty-four replaced the age group of thirty-five to forty-four as having the largest number of working registered nurses. Per…
Introduction Nursing is a dynamic profession of providing care for infirm and sick individuals. This profession exists due to the demands of society. One major problem society is facing today is a shortage of nurses. Lois Berry and Paul Curry (2012) state, “by the year 2022, there will be a need of 60 000 full time registered nurses (p.35). Berry and Curry note that the number of nurses will decrease by 2022.…