The field of public administration is one in which while still developing, is asserting its place within the disciple. The study of public administration is constantly changing and with that change comes new theories and ideas. While Frederickson et al argue that a theory of governance is most promising for the field, I would place my eggs in the basket of theories of political control of bureaucracy. The more we study bureaucracy, the more I believe the connection between politics and administration will be undeniable.
As the final week of this course concludes, we are faced once again questioning the proper role of public administration. The works of Kettl, Lynn Jr., and Frederickson et al each provide distinct evaluations of the field. In the end it seems clear that while the field of public administration has progressed in its theoretical capacity, there is still room for the field to develop both internally and externally. In addition, while the field may be young, it is worthy of its place beside political