Ultimately, he turned to his subjective responsibility to gain an ethical perspective on the situation. He closely and carefully reflected on the issue, examined his responsibilities, and other possible alternatives. This is clearly an example of the public administrator examining professional values (e.g. effectiveness) and ethical values (e.g. …show more content…
A number of 52 participants chosen from different roles (executive, middle management, and front line level employees) and organizational types. The professors found that context matters when exercising values, and the top five values most important in their work are: honesty, integrity, lawfulness, benevolence and incorruptibility. These were the top picked values when a public administrator is facing an ethical dilemma. The remaining three categories of values: professional, human, and democratic values, were viewed as significant as well (Molina and McKeown ). All categories of values have been the key for public administrators “pursuing the public interest” (