Bureaucracies often have multiple, sometimes conflicting missions, few face direct competition or experience the consequences of poor or mediocre performance (O’Connell and Straub, 2007). To solve this problem, DOI must use proper management practices …show more content…
They gained this enormous outside support because they were advancing the goals and policies of those outside organizations and many people supported them because of the influence the Nevada Four had in the formulation of public policies regarding the wetlands. The Nevada Four wouldn’t have gathered that massive support if they had worked solely within their own bureaucracies. They got that support because of their positions within the public organization, and the non-governmental organizations, which one of the Nevada Four was co-founder took advantage of these public employees who were sabotaging their organizational structure by working behind their supervisors’ back and officially defying their orders. In addition, they got support because some people thought the Nevada Four were exposing the weaknesses of government’s policies. Based on this argument, it is unacceptable for them to use government’s precious resources like time, labor, and other resources to pursue their goals. They performed other duties they were not hired for, which included fund raising, turning themselves into public relations officers by drafting press releases yet they were trained as natural scientists. In a public sector accountability is essential and it is unacceptable to use the government’s …show more content…
senator’s invitation. Lying is unacceptable as a professional and public servant. Jumping into conclusion even before the investigation could be made about the fish kill incident was another way of getting the Nevada Four’s agenda on the table of the media, policy makers and the citizens, which was later found to be a lie because the fish kill was not caused by selenium toxicosis as they had claimed. It was unethical for a public servant to lie for the sake of advancing their goal. This scenario shows a lack of collaboration or teamwork within this public organization. The value of teamwork is that employees and managers pull together for a common goal (Zeithaml, 2010). Teamwork encourages trust, honesty, openness, collective decision-making, and humility between employees and management. Even when policies fail both parties (management and employees) shoulder the blame instead of pointing fingers at each other like the Nevada Four accuse their superiors of disregarding and ignoring their advice. Lack of teamwork promoted the accumulation of stress on Nevada Four who felt rejected and ended up pursuing their goal against the organization’s policy. In addition, the management failed to realize even when the stress had accumulated and did not take emotional awareness seriously within that organization. Management lacked leadership skills to diagnose the symptoms of different teams within the organization and the