Things Fall Apart Christianity Analysis

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Since Okonkwo encounters the changes Christianity brought into the village, Achebe conveys things always come to a brutal change no matter what. Things Fall Apart seems to involve many themes such as the fact about Umoufia’s power/magic and the way Okonkwo communicated with his fists. Furthermore, many things seem to change in this mysterious Nigerian village from being all spiritual to transitioning into a village with Christianity. Seemingly, Okonkwo totally despises the whole Christianity idea and thinks it’s all deceptive. In the end, Okonkwo realizes that Christianity has won and had no other choice but to hang himself for his barbaric failure. Okonkwo is one of the main protagonists from “Things Fall Apart”, and is considered to be a tragic hero. Furthermore, Okonkwo is the leader …show more content…
Firstly, in page 11 “It was powerful war and in magic, and its priests and medicine men were feared in all the surrounding county”, Achebe’s use of imagery demonstrates to Umoufia that everything in the village was sacred and the people of the village are known to be the most strongest ones of the village which is exactly why many people fear Umoufia’s power and magic. Secondly, in page 5 “He had a slight stammer and whenever he was angry could not get his words out quickly enough, he would use his fists”, Achebe’s use of communication describes to Okonkwo that he always has the tendency to show his fighting skills to the point where he uses it as communication to talk to anyone else because apparently, his speech was really terrible. Lastly, in page 18 “He (Unoka) died of the swelling which was an abonimation to the Earth Goddess” Achebe’s use of atrocity explains to Unoka that he was so disgraceful to thepoint where even the Earth Goddess wouldn’t even accept since he would always idle around by not paying the bills in time and not having enough money to supporting his family therefore, he was much different compared to

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