The Millennial Generation In America

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Millennial also known as Generation Y are the demographic cohort following Generation X ranging from the early 1980s to the early 2000s this represents about 83.1million citizens in America who have entered college and the workforce, which is more than one quarter of the nation’s population. They‘ve been exposed to technology at a very young age making them tech savvy and a well connected wireless society generation that have been shaped by pivotal events such as 9/11 and the recession. As the large number grows into its prime spending years their substantial buying power grows with it s 83.1million surpassing the baby boomers who were deemed as the largest generation. Unlike the generations before them there are some key characteristics …show more content…
The Millennial generation is projected to surpass the outsized Baby Boom generation as the nation’s largest living generation according to the projections released by the U.S. Census Bureau, as the Millennial generation continues to grow with young immigrants expanding their ranks and baby boomers a generation defined by the boom in U.S. births following World War II — are older and shrinking in size as the number of deaths exceed the number of older immigrants arriving in the country. The generation is made up of 61% non Hispanic whites which is similar to the previous generation “generation x” who had 62% when they were at the same stage in their lives as today’s generation. Minorities have seen a steady increase through each generation from 20% of the silent generation to 39% to today’s Millennial. The 39% of minorities compromises of 19% of Hispanics, 11% blacks and 9% other. About 25% of millennial speak a language other than English at home and 15% of the young adults are foreign-born. With immigration adding more numbers to generation Y than any other, the millennial population is projected to peak in 2036 at 94.1 million. Thereafter the oldest Millennial will be at least 56 years of age and mortality is projected to outweigh net immigration. This influx has …show more content…
Millennials have grown in a time of rapid technological change and social shifts. They’re characterized as being confident and well connected but aren’t likely to conform to societies norm. They have grown up with array of choices which they feel is they’re birth right. Using an extensive amount of resources corporation have dissected the self-expressive and up-beat generation to the tee breaking them into 5 distinct segments to be better inform on how to effectively target and communicate within the Millennial generation. These segments include “up & comers” which is a diverse group that is male dominated falling between the ages of 18-25 that live in a city or urban center. This group is highly active, determined, and ready to take on the world—rarely watch TV or relax at home. The next groups the “mavens” are well educated, fully employed individuals who are happily settling into adulthood comprising of 27-35 year-old. They’re viewed as outgoing social media elites who are always on the go and are always excited to try trends--- but after public approval. They are more likely to have one or more children at home which is why they favor activities that revolve around the community and family. The next segment is the eclectics who are primarily made

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