My child is adapting well to social situations inside and outside the home, as seen by his resilience. Even though at the beginning of Carlos’s 6th year of life, my partner and I quarrel and have to focus on another sibling. Carlos bears no resentment toward my partner and I for arguing or for paying attention to Crystal (another child). He’s becoming a role model for his sister as evidenced by the fact that he’s able to behave well in public areas like restaurants. Due to his resilience and his mostly easy-going …show more content…
He didn’t understand the concepts of conservation or seriation, but displays some natural curiosity by asking constant questions about animals, nature, and is curious about how things work. He’s able to do simple counting games and follow the rules in simple board games. In the assessment given by one of the Kindergarten teacher’s at 4 years and 11 months, they noted that his cognitive skills are age appropriate, such as counting classifying and understanding relationships. At 6 years old, Carlos is able to remember things, as evidenced by the fact that he can beat me at memory games such as Concentration. He’s also starting to ask questions about death and starting to form his own ideas about morality as evidenced about by his questions regarding the death of his fish and the fact that Carlos is currently bending the rules of games via cheating at times. As a result, Carlos is starting to grapple with and think about concepts like death and morality and is capable of recognizing and observing abnormalities. Even though he can’t necessarily think about concepts like death and morality in complex terms, he’s able to recognize its existence and recognize some things in his life (like the fact that I as a parent am “nicer” to him than other parents are to their kids) are different than other kids. Academically, he does well in math and science, but has little interest in …show more content…
Even at 4 years old, he was able to write his own name. In the assessment given by one of the Kindergarten teacher 's at 4 years and 11 months, they have noted that he could read a few short words and can read most of the letters on sight, has an “age-appropriate” understanding of phonetics by being able to decide whether two words started with the same sound and picking words that rhymed. He also performs above average on vocabulary tests and is able to tell a story. At 6 years old, Carlos continues to read age appropriate books, but has an advanced enough vocabulary to read 1st and even 2nd grade books. The fact that Carlos is able to read harder books and is able to articulate his thoughts more fully as indicated in the fact that he can tell people about things that happen to him (even though he does leave out details and sometimes gets the order wrong) and the fact that he can hold his own in conversations with adults show that he’s progressing in his language skills at an age appropriate