Soccer, the most popular sport in the world with over 3.5 billion fans and over 265 million players. The primary focus has always been on the players, but what about the people who crafted those players. The coach can positively or negatively influence the player. Obviously, the coach’s role changes with the level at which they coach, but all coaches have the same core purpose. This core purpose is to allow the player to become the best they can be. This can be fulfilled in several ways depending on the coach's style. However, there are still coaches that ruin players love for soccer at an early age, causing the players to lose interest in the sport and blocking them from ever progressing to the next level. It is not always the coach’s fault for this loss of interest, but the coach can be primary factor in great soccer players losing their interest early on.
The Punisher …show more content…
The team may have lost a game but played well, and the Punisher will still make the team run excessive amounts of laps around the field simply because they lost. The Punisher never looks at the positive side of a player or the team. They want to instill in the player and team that you can only win: there is no such thing as losing and if you lose there will be consequences. The Punisher may pick a player on the team to make an example out of, single out a player, and make the player feel of less worth on the team. With this type of coaching method, the player or team will only resent soccer because they will remember the yelling, punishment workouts, and hatred toward the