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This method enables women to feel engaged in their health and also become educated about the physiological signs and symptoms throughout their journey. This unique and comforting approach begins with an initial intake and physical examination with a Medical Doctor or Certified Nurse Midwife, following sequentially in group settings lasting for 2 hours. The women take their own vital signs, obtain their own urine dipstick to assess for proteinuria and ketonuria and then document their own results. This approach involves the woman in her own care, making her responsible for her own …show more content…
In regards to HIPAA, women are required to sign a confidentiality agreement. The lack of education about this option is a main factor to why women do not join the groups. It is hopeful that clinicians and childbirth educators will encourage women to seek this beneficial and relatively new method of prenatal care. Perhaps, another deterrent to this method is that providers “challenge the medicalization and pathologization of normal physiologic processes” (Bell, 2012). A woman 's confidence and ability to give a natural birth is not often explored during the medical examinations. When women are not educated enough about the non-pharmacological techniques their sense of control and thoughts of pain relief are fearful. When a woman is aware of the process her body is naturally possessing the anxiety may be decreased. Also, providers may rest assured that Centering visits are billable, requirements to follow... “schedule of prenatal visits recommended by the American Academy of Pediatric sand the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists” . One may reference the data which points to a decreased incidence of visits to the ED in the third trimester by CP participants, and a decreased incidence of PTB and LBW babies born to these mothers; all of these cost saving measures (Bell,