The Importance Of Intimate Partner Violence

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Academic literature and public perceptions do not always come to a consensus on the topic of intimate partner violence. In fact, public perceptions of intimate partner violence are not always backed by research. For example, the public often frames intimate partner violence as a “woman’s issue.” While, it is true that intimate partner violence affects women more than men, intimate partner violence is not based on sex or gender. According to The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2011), within the United States, intimate partner violence affects more than one out of three women (35.6%), and more than one out of four men (28.5%). In other words, all women (heterosexual and non-heterosexual) and all men (heterosexual and non-heterosexual) …show more content…
Multiple studies report that women are most likely to be murderer by their abuser after they have left the relationship (as cited in Jordan, 2004; Campbell & Lewandowski, 1997). Schumann and Valente’s (2002) article states that abusers often retaliate against their victim for leaving. Scheffer Lindgren and Renck (2008) concludes in their study that intimate partner violence victims fear being murdered after leaving and this fear may be why some victims stay with their abuser. It is vital that intimate partner violence victims have a safe home to go to and protection under the law. One way intimate partner violence victims can protect themselves is to get a court order. Victims of intimate partner violence are advised to obtain a restraining orders, emergency protection order, or a civil protective orders as part of their escape plan (Schumann & Valente, 2002; Jordan, 2004; Shannon, Logan, & Cole, 2007). The effectiveness of court orders is contentious (see Jordan, 2004; and McFarlane et al., 2004). Questioning the ability of a piece of paper (i.e. a court order) to protect a victim of domestic violence victim from an abuser is reasonable. Yet, as McFarlane et al. (2004) study concluded justice agencies and system, health care providers, shelter workers, and other service providers are all needed to combat intimate partner violence. Therefore, how a court orders is enforced within the …show more content…
Victims of women abusers and men abusers may suffer from PTSD, depression, social withdrawal, and other mental problems (Campbell & Lewandowski, 1997). Yet, are there difference between men abusers and woman abusers? Academic research has noted some difference between men perpetrators of violence and women perpetrators of violence. According to Archer’s (2000) study, women are more likely to used physical violence towards their partner than men and women use violence with more frequency than

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