The story of Frankenstein begins with a character named Robert Walton, who visited the North Pole where he met Victor Frankenstein. Walton provided shelter for Frankenstein on his ship and he told the story of the creation of a monster. Walton have written the story …show more content…
“The name Frankenstein tends to evoke not the unfortunate over-reaching young scientist Victor Frankenstein but his hideous creation” (Brooks). The reason for this may lie in the fact that Victor is also considered to be a monster since he created a person who has feelings. It is a creature, but it is not insensitive and it never finds its place in life. Furthermore, it seeks help from Victor and cannot get it because Victor does not know what to do after this horrible incident which cost him the life of his brother and other dear people in his life. The first time that Frankenstein meets the monster, it is revealed that the monster has a sharp mind although he has a deformed body. Victor wants him out of his sight, but he thinks of Victor as his creator and he is miserable: “To this Monster, in a touching gesture, responds by placing his huge hands over Frankenstein’s eyes” (Brooks). The monster seems to have human characteristics and he wants Frankenstein to feel compassion towards him. The murders which the monster commits are the result of his powerlessness and resent he feels in life. The creature is miserable because it drives people away: “His first appearance with humanity, he tells us, already demonstrated the hopelessness of the spectacular relation: the shepherd he discovered in a hut fled shrieking from his sight, the villagers pelted him with stones” (Brooks). The monster also discovers the language as the means of communication and learns it by observing a family. This signifies that he is highly intelligent and does not deserve the life full of