The Industrial Revolution In Frankenstein By Mary Shelley's Frankenstein

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The novel, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley was one of the best known horror novels of her time period and the foundation for the many movies that branched out of Shelley’s novel. Frankenstein was inspired by the Industrial Revolution and the Romantic Era. Frankenstein’s monster appears to be Shelley’s representation of the Industrial Revolution and the fears and anxieties that the society had regarding the rapid growth of science and technology.
In the novel Frankenstein, Mary Shelley created a story about a man-made monster assembled from dead body parts; who is left on his own to learn the ways of humans and survival. Frankenstein is known for his yellow skin and monster like appearance which really was what defined his relationship with others.
Frankenstein’s monster is shunned by the community for the simple fact that he has an unnatural origin and made the town’s people afraid. Frankenstein’s monster is judged by his nature and his appearance. In my perspective, Frankenstein’s “monster” is labeled as a monster for his deformities, unnatural appearance, rather than his wickedness or viciousness. Frankenstein’s monster was created by Mary Wollstonecraft Godwin Shelley in the nineteenth century, amidst the emerging Industrial Revolution. In the novel Frankenstein’s
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The Romantic era was a time period where many people valued imagination, intuition, and emotion, but they went against logic, reason and science. Romanticism was a social movement that was widely expressed in art and literature. I believe the novel, Frankenstein, was influenced by the Romantic movement, because throughout the novel and the film, “The Bride of Frankenstein”, Frankenstein’s monster is represented as a creature with feelings, consciousness and awareness. Many times in the film, Frankenstein’s monster is shown widely affected by the rejection he receives by everyone around

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