The creature continually faces societal rejection, which plays a crucial role in the development of his identity as a monster. The moment the creature comes to life, Frankenstein is horrified by “his yellow skin” which “scarcely covered the work of muscles and arteries beneath”, and by his “watery eyes”, “shrivelled complexion”, and “straight, black …show more content…
The first occurrence of the creature’s isolation is directly after Frankenstein abandoned him. The creature retreats into a “forest near Ingolstadt”. He is “tormented by hunger and thirst”, and has to forage for berries which he finds “hanging on the trees” or “lying on the ground”. When he wakes to find it dark, he feels “half-frightened” from being “so desolate”. He feels as though he is a “poor, helpless, miserable wretch”. He is lead to weep from “pain” that invades him “on all sides”. (p. 80) He often struggles in finding food, and so feels “pangs of hunger”. The creature is forced to endure the hardships of survival on his own, having no experience in life whatsoever. His lack of knowledge often causes accidents, such as when he sticks his “hand into the live embers” of a fire, and as a result, cries out “in pain”. (p. 81) This extended isolation from humans in the early stages of his life make it more difficult for him to relate to humans later on. The creature undergoes a long period of isolation in which he is observing the cottagers. He is struck by how “gentle the manner of these people” is. The creature is “deeply affected by” seeing the cottagers unhappy. (p. 87) The creature chooses to eat only “berries, nuts, and roots” instead of stealing from the cottagers because he sees how stealing negatively effects them and does not wish to take part. (p. 88) He went as far as to secretly assist “their labours”. (p. 88) The creature spends an entire “winter in this manner”. (p. 89) During this time, he admires the “grace, beauty, and delicate complexions” of the cottagers. He becomes aware of his hideous appearance and becomes “fully convinced that” he is “in reality” a “monster”. (p. 90) He longs to “win” the “favour” of the cottagers, and “afterwards their love”. He often thinks about how he could use “his gentle demeanour and conciliating words” to allow