The creature has no intent of violence until it is shown to him by the human race. After being thrown into the world with no idea what to do, the creation naturally looks for a shelter. The small shack that he claims as his temporary home is connected to …show more content…
He makes sure that no living creature is injured. The creature would have never wanted to set flame to the cottage if this previously unknown emotion had never been introduced to him by the cottagers when they caught sight of him. If the cottagers had never shown that rage to the creature, then the creature would never have demonstrated it back. After the epidemic with the cottagers, the creation wanders through the woods to locate another place to call home. The songs of nature lead the creature back to his early months, where happiness and curiosity overwhelmed his senses. He is caught in his own joyful world as he approaches a river where a young girl is playing. Suddenly, the poor girl slips into the dangerous rushing waters of the river, but before she can be dragged away, “[The creation] rushed from [his] hiding place and with extreme labour, from the force of the current, saved her and dragged her to the shore… [the man] aimed a gun, which he carried at [the creation’s] body and fired” (142). Having seen a living creature in danger of death, the creation instinctively runs to help. While trying to resuscitate the girl, a man encounters him. Upon encountering an unconscious girl being …show more content…
The creation, because of his life without joy, is forced to threaten his creator into constructing a female of the same deformities. Victor begrudgingly undertakes the task, but after many months of concentrated labor recognizes the destructive potential of two creations plus their children, and annihilates the unfinished body of the female. Enraged, the creation roars, “Shall each man... find a wife for his bosom, and each beast have his mate, and I be alone? I had feelings of affection, and they were requited by detestation and scorn” (173). Upon the butchering of his greatest wish, the creation shatters, asking any being who can hear why he should be forbidden love. All creatures are born with a God-given right to love, but God is not the creator of this creature, so, therefore, God could not bless the creation with this right; a right which only a creator can give. Even though Victor knows what it is like to lose a loved one, he demolishes the creation’s one chance of love right in front of the poor beast. The creature has the same reaction as his creator in seeing this destruction, hence the saying, like father like son. After Frankenstein quits the creation of the creature’s mate, the creature turns Victor’s life into a living hell by showing him what it is like to lose one’s only hope of love by killing off all of Victor’s remaining loved ones. In a rage, Frankenstein