The True Monster In Mary Shelly's Frankenstein

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FRANKENSTEIN: The True Monster Mary Shelly’s novel titled Frankenstein is the tragic story of Victor Frankenstein and his creation. Victor Frankenstein is a man obsessed with knowledge of the unknown. He played a dangerous game with the laws of nature, and creates his own form of man. Guilty of robbing dead bodies of their parts to build his creation piece by piece he has the nerve to feel disgust at what he created. “I had desired it with an ardour that far exceeded moderation; but now that I had finished, the beauty of the dream vanished and breathless horror and disgust filled my heart” (Shelly 30). This statement from Victor describes how he feels about the creature he created. His words make it seem like he thinks of …show more content…
He isolated himself from his family for years because he only cared for his experiments. When Justine was wrongfully accused and charged with Victor’s brother’s murder, he could have spoke up and saved her but he was more worried about himself. He was more concerned what people would think of him creating such an abomination. “My tale was not one to announce publicly; its astounding horror would be looked upon as madness by the vulgar” (Shelly44). Victor shows in this quote how self absorbed he truly is. He would let an innocent girl die to keep his secret concealed. By not telling the truth that the creature had killed his brother Victor put other people in danger of getting hurt or worse death, and that is a very selfish …show more content…
He had known the creature killed his brother, yet he let the creature continue to live and cause more pain to others. . The night Victor destroyed the unfinished female creation, the creature promised payback on his master. Had Victor never made the agreement for another creature his loved ones wouldn’t have met their untimely death. But Victor only thought of himself, so when he responded to the Creatures threats with threats of his own he had to have known that he chanced signing his and his family’s own death certificates. “Villain, before you sign my death warrant, be sure that you are safe yourself” (Shelly99). Victor’s statement proves to the creature that his maker had no love for him anymore, if he ever did. Victor’s actions and words sent the Creature into a crazed rampage. Again thinking only of Victor, he doesn’t concern himself with the safety of his loved ones when the creature stakes his revenge ending Henry and Elizabeth’s life. None of these careless tragic murders would have happened had Victor been responsible and led his creature down the right path, and taught him right from

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