Medical terminology eases clinical proceedings and enables everyone involved in the process of treatment and care to perform more efficiently for the patient’s benefit. Very often within the clinical environment, medical terminology is composed of abbreviations and understanding them makes documentation much faster and easier.
Although it seems scary at first glance, medical terminology is not rocket science. The majority of terms are derived from Greek and Latin and the science-based vocabulary follows a systematic methodology; each term contains two or three components and can be broken down into parts.
The best way to learn medical terminology is to become familiar with the structure and the most commonly used components.
Medical terms are used to accurately describe the condition of the patient and the treatment that he needs to undergo. Without proper training and knowledge with terminology, …show more content…
I believe, just my opinion, all these medical terms, abbreviations have been a challenge so far. I have work in the legal industry all my life and I decided to enroll in the Medical industry for when I become a retiree, I will have something to fall back on. After researching these medical terms, I found all of them to be a little hard to recognize and pronounce them out loud. As long as I have been seeing a physician now and while I was having kids, I never had a problem with the doctor explaining everything to me. I was not afraid to ask questions about what my treatments may or may not