Different cultures have their own values and beliefs. Different cultures also have their own needs. Cultural needs is the reason for technical advancements. Technology is created to help with the needs of the culture. Technology shapes the culture as it interacts with language, economics, politics, and arts. Technology then spreads all over the world and is used in different ways by different cultures. For example, the Japanese culture has different beliefs than American culture with cell phones. According to CNN, the Japanese culture frowns upon using a cell phone (called a mobile in the UK) in public. The cell phone (mobile) to them should not be a nuisance to other. The Japanese culture is expected to put their cell phone (mobile) on silent or on vibrate (manner mode in the UK) when boarding a train or bus. Their culture differs a lot with the American culture and cell phones. Cell phones are not frowned upon in public in the American Culture. Americans use their cell phones at any time during the day, no matter the place. Americans are not expected to put their phones on silent or vibrate. A lot of people in the American culture cannot function without their cell phones. If I would have traveled to Japan I would have never knew their beliefs on cell phones. I am glad I conducted this research and will do research for now on before traveling. The better we understand culture, the better we can maximize the usefulness of new …show more content…
Technology has changed our culture and our society. As mentioned above culture is the way we think and what we believe. Today, we think we should be able to have everything at our fingertips with a click of a button. We also think we should be able to communicate at any time with a click of a button. Since, the way of our thinking (culture) has changed our society has been impacted. People no longer get together physically to have a conversation. We now use online forums and social media to communicate. Technology has created a world where all we is see is people on their cell phones. The spoken word is disappearing and disconnecting us with each other and the world because we are too connected with technology. The constant communication through the use of technology changes the way people think about themselves. People can get attention, satisfaction and never have to feel alone online. People often do not tend to think or listen to others as they are too connected with the online world. Technology has also changed society for younger children and babies. Today, we find younger children playing video games or sitting in front of the computer. Babies are also exposed to computers to keep them occupied. However, babies learn about the world around them from adults and younger children and babies who have more computer time than adult time tend to not have a solid brain structure. This affects the way babies play, learn and