The First Amendment is a very important document regarding censorship. The First Amendment …show more content…
Books are censored for multiple reasons, age inappropriate, violence, sexual material, profanity, and many other things others find offensive. Every person has different views on what they find offensive and what one might find offensive, another may find it helpful. Books are categorized to be picked by a reader that knows what they are picking. A certain offensive topic can be beneficial to a reader that wants to learn more about the topic. Censorship violates our right to learn. In an excerpt, "A Teachable Good Book: Of Mice and Men" by Thomas Scarseth, it states " In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck has shown us something about the pain of living in a complex human world and created something beautiful from it. In true great literature the pain of Life is transmuted into the beauty of Art. The book is worth reading for a glimpse of that beauty-and worth teaching as a way to show others how such beauty works." This not only shows how important the topic of the book is but proves how an offensive topic to someone else helped another person. One person should not be able to take away that experience by censoring it because they are …show more content…
What exactly is the morality of censorship? Morals are defined in Oxford Dictionaries as "Concerned with or derived from the code of behavior that is considered right or acceptable in a particular society." Morals includes, religion, beliefs, cultures, and a set of good and bad standards. There is a list a things that offend morals and that list would go on for an eternity. The generation now is easily offended and will stand up for their morals with censorship. Although it is right to stand up for your morals, you have to take into consideration that someone else may have different morals that they want. Morals should not be censored because of offense taken. Censorship therefore is a violation of morals. Morality goes hand in hand with censorship. It is our morals that determine what is censored, otherwise if censorship is allowed it violates morals. Censorship is based off of morals but that person's morals might contradict another's on a certain censored book. Censorship violates morals which is not good for the viewer, one might disagree with the morality of censorship but there will always be another view. Censorship is very wrong especially when it violates