Books teach us about life, morals, and the values we need to have to live a good life. Censors have been trying to ban books since 387 BC. Books are typically banned for use of inappropriate language and content. Many libraries and schools have banned this book from being placed in the libraries and for students to read this book. Many people had felt that Catcher in the Rye was “dangerous” because it had violence, sexual content, and vulgarity. A lot of books have good life lessons that we can take from them, so why ban them when you can learn from them even if they do have some inappropriate parts. It was banned, but then the people in charge of the “banning” process thought it was a classic novel that everyone should be able to read. I think that this book should not be banned. I feel that some of the reasons people give are just a lame excuse for it to be excluded from libraries and schools.
Some reasons that books are banned are for racial issues, “damaging” …show more content…
She received a total of 80 signatures for it. That next day the district spokeswoman, Vicki Flotta, commented that, “any district parent has the right to say their child should not read a particular book, but not sure a parent has the right to limit what everyone else reads.” Cydney argued on why should they study bad language rather than a novel about “a lifestyle that exemplified better morals and values.” There was also the situation of John Lennon’s death. “Police found a copy of the book in Chapman’s pocket after he was found and then accused of the murder. This gave people a reason to think that Catcher in the Rye had a connection to his death. This was another reason on why people thought the book should be banned. The quotes used to describe certain scenes in the novel give people a bad look about the book which makes them want it to be gone and not allowed