Us Involvement In World War 1 Essay

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United States’ involvement in World War I consisted of an initial state of neutrality that would eventually lead to battle. President Woodrow Wilson of the US desired to remain neutral throughout the war, but as conflicts arose from the Central powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary, and the Ottoman Empire, war was inevitable. While lacking necessary experience and resources, the United States required extensive preparation for battle in Europe. As America entered the war with the Allied powers, the central powers would eventually fall, providing an opportunity to establish temporary peace at the Paris Peace Conference. Although the United States entered World War I later than most nations, the impact from the American military forces provided the Allies with the support that allowed the Central powers to be defeated. Despite an initial stance of neutrality during World War I, President Wilson decided to enter the Triple Entente, which consisted of France, Great Britain, and Italy. Continued German militarism and aggressive imperialism forced Wilson to consider entering the war. With the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand, the central powers were continuing to become combative in their pursuits of expansion. Germany exemplified further militaristic aggression with the use of submarine warfare. Although the use of U-boats violated maritime law, Germany prevented shipment of Allied goods that could be used in the war effort. After U-boats proceeded to sink ships containing American passengers, Wilson became infuriated with the lack of respect for civilian lives. Eventually, the Allies intercepted a German telegraph to Mexico. The Zimmerman telegraph requested an alliance between Germany and Mexico that would result in Mexico declaring war on the United States in return for Southwestern states. Enraged by Germany’s decision to threaten America with Mexico and the continued sinking of American ships, Wilson met with Congress to propose a declaration of war. America’s preparation for war was doubtful, as the dwindling number of servicemen was too small to compete with the Central powers. …show more content…
While Wilson remained neutral for the early stages of war, he prepared for battle to ensure the survival of the American military in case of battle. Through Congress, the National Defense Force Act was established in 1916 to expand the army and build facilities. Congress also initiated the Naval Construction Act that granted over $500 million for a three-year expansion of the United States Navy. Eventually, the Selective Service Act initially formed a draft for men between the ages of twenty-one and thirty, as an initiative to expand the US armed forces on the Western front. Although early performance in the war was poor due to inexperience, the American army successfully helped a depleted Ally force. While Foch wanted American troops to disperse amongst French and British armies, Wilson and General Pershing opposed. The US armies required command under an American general, and a separate army allowed the United States to receive a voice in discussions of war strategies. Although the United States’ involvement on the Western front was not the sole reason of the success, they were able to bring supplies and men that catapulted the Allied victory over the Central powers. American contributions in the Battle of Bellau Wood halted German imperialism throughout France, and the battle established the respect of the Marines, as they endure brutality for the betterment of their country. As World War I concluded, the Untied

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