While Wilson remained neutral for the early stages of war, he prepared for battle to ensure the survival of the American military in case of battle. Through Congress, the National Defense Force Act was established in 1916 to expand the army and build facilities. Congress also initiated the Naval Construction Act that granted over $500 million for a three-year expansion of the United States Navy. Eventually, the Selective Service Act initially formed a draft for men between the ages of twenty-one and thirty, as an initiative to expand the US armed forces on the Western front. Although early performance in the war was poor due to inexperience, the American army successfully helped a depleted Ally force. While Foch wanted American troops to disperse amongst French and British armies, Wilson and General Pershing opposed. The US armies required command under an American general, and a separate army allowed the United States to receive a voice in discussions of war strategies. Although the United States’ involvement on the Western front was not the sole reason of the success, they were able to bring supplies and men that catapulted the Allied victory over the Central powers. American contributions in the Battle of Bellau Wood halted German imperialism throughout France, and the battle established the respect of the Marines, as they endure brutality for the betterment of their country. As World War I concluded, the Untied
While Wilson remained neutral for the early stages of war, he prepared for battle to ensure the survival of the American military in case of battle. Through Congress, the National Defense Force Act was established in 1916 to expand the army and build facilities. Congress also initiated the Naval Construction Act that granted over $500 million for a three-year expansion of the United States Navy. Eventually, the Selective Service Act initially formed a draft for men between the ages of twenty-one and thirty, as an initiative to expand the US armed forces on the Western front. Although early performance in the war was poor due to inexperience, the American army successfully helped a depleted Ally force. While Foch wanted American troops to disperse amongst French and British armies, Wilson and General Pershing opposed. The US armies required command under an American general, and a separate army allowed the United States to receive a voice in discussions of war strategies. Although the United States’ involvement on the Western front was not the sole reason of the success, they were able to bring supplies and men that catapulted the Allied victory over the Central powers. American contributions in the Battle of Bellau Wood halted German imperialism throughout France, and the battle established the respect of the Marines, as they endure brutality for the betterment of their country. As World War I concluded, the Untied