At the start of World War I, President Wilson stuck to his path of neutrality, despite some Americans wanted to participate in WW1. A key factor for US engagement in WW1 was economics and USA traded mostly with Great Britain. In 1917. Wilson created the War Industries Board to ensure adequate military supplies. To pay for the war cost, The government raised money through …show more content…
The American public was divided on the subject of entering the war, so Wilson administration created the Committee of Public Information. It had goal to encourage all Americans to make sacrifices during the war and, to hate all things that are German. While some objectors and others spoke out, the government was successful in silencing those who favored neutrality. Because of war, wages increased, but inflation offset most of the profits. Prices in the United States increased about 15 percent annually between 1917 and 1920. For women, the economic situation was complicated, however, wartime presented new opportunities for women in the workplace. More than one million women entered the workforce for the first time as a result of the war. Some women liked individuality that job gives, and decided to stay at job even after war. This trend was much bigger after WW2 African Americans