They were not sure whether the mold was to be all one and the same like a melting pot, or whether it was to be yourself but be an addition mixed into more individual pieces like a salad. As time continued and history progressed, the word and thought of immigrants assimilating were dropped and was no longer studied, instead they now used words, for example, incorporation and integration. One of the major determining factors of if the immigrants were able to stay in America was Health. Health was sometime abused because they would use heath in favor to deny certain immigrants. Once they passed health there was no a struggle for them because of how they looked, and their background. All these factors would hinder them after getting through with health. Because the already assimilated immigrants had problems getting accepted, they warned future immigrants to change their behavior, smell, way they talked, so that they could have a better chance of passing the immigration process without that many issues. John Foster Carr wrote books and articles to help the immigrants better know what to expect, how to act, dress and what would make not only their immigration process easier but give them a greater chance of being accepted. Physical aspects also played a big part in determining whether or not immigrants would be able to begin their life in …show more content…
The demand to have the immigrants change their face through facial cosmetic surgery was at a high. Most immigrants could not afford it, and other became broke after the costly demands. Some immigrant children, could not fix their body because of the harsh labor conditions, which made it harder for them to assimilate and be accepted into the culture. For example, they would choose a kid with a broken arm over one with a hump on him back because they know that kid had no way of healing to look better to society. Men as well as women were told to participate in athletics so they can maintain and keep healthy bodies. They were told to do so so they could have a better chance at assimilating to society based on their bodies. Mexican migrants were one of the few who were judged by their physical and health aspects. They knew what hardships were expected when coming to the Americas and they were aware of the tolls it would take on their body and health. The Mexican migrants were known for poor health and their bodies but it was mainly due to the working conditions they had to deal with. There were always constant rules the immigrants would have to follow because they were more prone to getting and spreading diseases, an assumption made by the Americans. When and if they got sick, instead of going to American hospitals they went to a small clinics that the majority of the immigrants would get checked out. These hospitals/