Immigrant Kids Chapter Summary

Decent Essays
Non Fiction Response to Literature:
Immigrant Kids
Kyra Fetherston

Russell Freedman greatly explains the trouble immigrant children experienced coming to America during the New and Old Immigration periods in his book Immigrant Kids. Freedman tells of what they went through at Ellis Island, he interviewed people who were immigrant children at the time coming to America. In doing this he created an amazing description that gives you the best idea of what those poor people went through when they finally reached the golden land they’d always dreamed of. He tells of the different tests that were given to the immigrants as they went through Ellis Island, for instance the 2 doctors that checked them for physical and mental diseases and disabilities. An immigrant's life was cruel and Freedman gives an amazing depiction of what they
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They had to be checked by 2 different doctors: one checking for diseases the other checking for mental illness or disabilities. The doctor checking for diseases was most feared by because many could have illnesses and not know or just have been having a rough time and were nearly deported for red eyes from crying or other things. Freedman had talked to a man named Angelo Pellegrini who was an immigrant when he came to America and almost saw his sister deported. The poor girl had been ill and her eyes were bloodshot, but before she was deported the mother tried convincing the guards and other people there that with some food and rest her child would be fine. After much convincing they were finally let into America. Many were detained in Ellis Island for further examination if one of the doctors thought something was wrong with the immigrant. Mr. Freedman gives detail and examples to how hard this must have been on so many children who might have been separated from their families if a test did not go

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