The Hope Of The Framers Analysis

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The argument made by Jack N. Rakove in his essay, “The Hope of the Framers to Recruit
Citizens to Enter Public Life,”1 was more convincing than that made by Alfred F. Young in “The
Pressure of the People on the Framers of the Constitution.”2 Young focuses on the different motivations of the framers, while the point that Rakove is trying to make is how the framers of the Constitution of the United States3
, regardless of motivation, sought to include the common people in the affairs of the government by making political office accessible to citizens. The Constitution is designed to provide
United States citizens an opportunity to run for office regardless of social standing, the balance of powers contained within prevent any one person or group
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The Constitution is designed to provide United States citizens an opportunity to run for office regardless of social standing, the balance of powers contained within prevent any one person or group from controlling the country as a monarch, and compromises within the Bill of Rights guaranteed the rights of the individual. Although Young’s essay explained some of the thoughts behind the writers of the Constitution, Rakove explained the writing and motives in a more insightful manner as to how it directly related to the final draft. His focus was on how the founders’ decisions directly affected the
American people and their ability to participate in government, no matter their station in society. The
Constitution was written in a time where monarchy was prevalent and the idea of people ruling themselves was considered a foolish experiment that would produce a weak government. Today, the experiment in democracy has proved a success in ours and other nations.
7. “George Washington Promises Freedom of Religion for Jewish People, 1790,” Hoffman,

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