The purpose of the Constitution is to set up an organized government with rules and regulations that can be changed if needed through amendments. By adding the Bill of Rights, the Constitution became a living document that could evolve and adapt as our nation grows. The Bill of Rights gives us the ability to govern ourselves in the future, enjoy many freedoms that people in some other countries do not have, and change with the times. The amendments specify our rights and liberties, and protects us from being swayed by popular opinion or abusive government officials. Today, there are 27 total amendments that were added to protect the interests and inalienable rights of all citizens so that no one is deprived of life, liberty, …show more content…
Although 49 states have anti-bullying legislation, it is not a federal law. I believe that this is a very important amendment to add because if people who bully others knew that what they were doing was illegal at the federal level, maybe they wouldn’t do it, and then the country would be a happier, safer place, and people would be able to be themselves without worrying about someone putting them down or conducting a hate crime because of it. Because the majority of states have passed anti-bullying state legislation, it might be possible to pass it by holding a constitutional convention, or Article V Convention . This happens when the states meet to decide whether to amend the Constitution. Legislatures in two-thirds or 34 of the 50 states have to apply to Congress to call a convention that can propose constitutional amendment. This method has been tried by the states numerous times, but they have never called a convention successfully. If the states wanted to introduce an anti-bullying amendment, Article V specifies that Congress must decide how the convention would operate, including how many delegates each state would have, how the process would process, and how the states would ratify the amendment. Fortunately, the mere threat of a constitutional convention often pushes Congress to act. Hopefully, Congress will recognize that adding an anti-bullying amendment will build on our laws against discrimination based on race, gender, or age, and will give citizens a solution, rather than a sense of