The Importance Of Communication Between Nurses

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However, there were gaps in conducting this study; first, the authors did not specify the criteria necessary for the participants nor did they explain the demographic characteristics of the participants for comparison. Second, the two nurses did not complete the final phase of the assessment part of the SBAR, which may create discrepancies because the number of participants were not equal. Third, both groups for learning techniques were implemented by the first author who had complete knowledge of the study; while the second author conducted the same process for learning but had no knowledge of the arrangement of the groups for comparison. The rationale for this procedure can establish control for the group in role play because the first …show more content…
In order to support the inquiry of the PICO question, the clinical guidelines for literature review must be utilized and followed so that the search for the best evidence provides meaningful information of the different methods used. Relevant results of the study to the specific question should be evaluated for their validity, reliability, and applicability because the EBP can guide clinicians how these results impact the outcomes and increased patient safety if the study is duplicated. Integrate the best evidence with clinical expertise helps weigh the risks and benefits in the decision-making to implement the study recommended. Evaluate the EBP intervention whether or not the change in practice produces better outcome (Melnyk & Fine-Overholt, 2015). Therefore, these are the clinical guidelines that must be considered in conducting, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating the quality of different EBP presenting evidences of the …show more content…
Thus, finding alternative solutions through literature review of available EBP is critical because the implications of poor communication during the transfer-receive process of patient’s information between nurses and physicians are the concerns of Brooks system of care. The problems of communication increased the motivation of the organization to implement the SBAR tool because the unplanned transfers of patients to acute care also increased. To help and support this implementation of SBAR tool, the PICO question was formulated in determining the effect of the SBAR tool on communication for nurse to physician. Based on the PICO question, literature review of the evidence-based practice facilitated the search of different methods used in the studies such as qualitative and quantitative. Analyzing the quality, strengths, and weaknesses of the studies impact the decision-making to seek evidences in measuring the effect of SBAR tool on communication. Thus, the study conducted by Vardaman, et al. (2014) provides four possible effect of SBAR tool beyond its use for communication. The three steps process of data analysis was also provided and revealed the negative impact of standardized SBAR tool on autonomy of nurses, but the results indicated rapid and accurate response of nurses to the patient’s problems improved the outcome to bridge the

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