Consider the patent’s situation
During my placement with SSU, some patients complain to me that they did not receive clear information about their treatment plan from the health professionals. They appeared frustrating and angry and tended to use the call bell more often.
Reflecting back to the situation, patients felt angry and frustration because they did not receive clear information from the staffs. As a nurse, we have the responsibility to maintain effective communication with the patients to deliver the requirement in the National Competency Standard (Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia, 2006). In this incident, the staffs fail to communicate effectively with the patients. Therefore, miscommunication problem is the right cue of causing the patients’ situation.
Collect information
I started to observe the nursing activities on shift and I found out that the handover was done at the nursing station and the involvement of the patients were low. I noticed an increasing …show more content…
After I reflect on my aim, I realised that it is too broad and I should just focus on improving the communication between the patients and the nurses using the bedside handover. I have also given a second thought about the alternative methods such as using whiteboard communication and Isobar handover system suggested by the ACSQHC (Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care, 2011; Wallis, Chaboyer, McMurray, Wallen, & Chang, 2008). However, these methods mainly improve the communications between the health professionals, not the patients. After exploring other strategies, bedside handover is still considered to be the best approach to rectify the miscommunication problem in SSU as it emphasizes on patient centred communications (W Chaboyer, McMurray, Wallis, & Chang, 2008). It indicates that I use the right solution for the right