Disabled People People with disability, like mental illness, people undergo amputation, they are more vulnerable to domestic violence, especially disabled woman. …show more content…
They are shame and afraid to report domestic violence experience and not willing to seek help from the public. By comparing to non-disabled woman, disabled woman will have a much complex abuse. (Nixon,2009) In United Kingdom, disabled woman access helping services for treating domestic violence are available, however the extent of domestic violence among them not result significant decreases, as the government didn’t provide adequate professional responses, not sufficient resources, and this is a barriers to improve this situation. (Thiara, Hague & Mullender, 2011) Immigrant Immigrants need time to integrate to the new environment, they need to meet and adopt new living tempo. They are vulnerable to domestic violence, as they are not familiar enough to their partners, with lack of interaction before, due to the place constraints. They are also not familiar to new language and cultural, and thus may result isolation. Moreover, they didn’t know much well about the resources and welfare services and support, and so they usually lack of confidence to report the domestic violence. Thus, this may increases the repetition of domestic violence. For instance, Latina immigrants, their have 22% of them said they experienced physical assault and 24.5% of them experienced physical violence. (Reina & Lohman,2015) Refugee Women Refugees always experience a tough situation, they were under pressure, hopeless, lonely, and their life was really miserable. They are vulnerable to domestic violence, as they could voice out their discontent, they did not have courage to refuse those “violence treatment”. A 486 adult refugees females sample in Syria, 30% of them experienced emotional abuse and 20% of them experienced abuse within the past year. 15% of household member experienced violent events in Iraq. From the study, there have 146 women reported they resulted domestic violence before, the results are- the type of the recent violence experienced is verbal, which is 60%, and follow by physical, 24% and emotional, 16%. Besides, the frequency of recent violence is at least one time per month, which is 35% and following by at least one time per week, 33%. (Tappis, et al (2012) Lesbian and Gays Many people may neglect domestic violence can occur in same-sex relationship as well, and this can find