Sherry Turkle discusses how technology can be psychologically powerful. Texting has changed how society conducts daily life. Today, society executes activities that would have previously been considered bizarre. For example, some individuals may use their phones during a funeral. Years ago, many would have interpreted such behaviors as disrespectful. However, now, they are a societal normality. Technology serves as an escape from the ever changing and evolving world. Through technology, we are able to hide from society, and exercise selective hearing. When something is boring, or too emotional, we are able to distract ourselves from the situation through technology. It is possible that being at a funeral would bear too much emotional strain on an individual. Technology would therefore serve as an exit. According to Sherry Turkle, we are setting ourselves up for trouble. The relationships and interactions in which people share is working in reverse. Rather than growing through conversation, and developing communication skills, it seems as though society relies on and better appreciates a world where less interaction is present. Technology is simpler, and provides more hope. Many individuals perceive life as difficult and complicated, and also discern relationships as a risk. Many people expect more from technology than they do from each other. Technology appeals to individuals when they are most vulnerable. Some people are lonely, but afraid of intimacy. Technology can give the illusion of companionship without the demand of friendship. Texting sacrifices the need for personal conversation. Technology allows individuals to not be too close, not to fare, but just right. This, according to Sherry Turkle, is known as the Goldilocks effect. The Goldilocks effect can inflict consequences. For example, one individual expressed that someday, but not now, he would like to learn to have a conversation. The individual is able to choose for themselves how much interaction and impact another person can have on their life. This is often comforting, as many find personal interaction to be a prospect of difficulty. Also, technology may serve as an integral part of an individual’s life because some people may not find conversation to be a comfortable circumstance. …show more content…
Conversation requires real time, and it can be difficult to control what will come out of the mouth. Technology, however, permits an individual to portray themselves as they would want another to see them. This becomes possible through the ability to edit and delete. Though editing and deleting can enhance a person’s thoughts, it can also be exceptionally powerful in altering the view an individual maintains over themself. Often a person may believe that they will become what they choose to share. Therefore, speaking through text is not a method of conversation because it does not truly allow individuals to learn about each other. Technology allows a group of people to be “alone, but together”. For example, although a group of colleagues may all be present within the same proximity, there is minimal personal involvement because each individual is on their email. Rather than engaging in group discussions and conversation, people turn to their phones because there will surely be listeners. Technology ensures that an individual will never have to be alone. Some people even want Siri as a best friend. An elderly woman was also shown to find comfort in an electronic seal. The seal served as an outlet when human listeners could not be located. Spending minimal time alone can change the psychology of a person. Without technology, a