The influence of economy on the European Imperialism is evident as the foundation …show more content…
In addition, the necessity to create new markets is depicted in order to improve commercial aspects.
The secondary source, The Colonial Heritage- in Africa written in 1984 by Albert Adu Boahen, further establishes the impacts of economic motives on European Imperialism. It was written in order to convey to the public that the economic motives of European Imperialism was so great that the large nations would dismiss their morals in order to achieve their commercial benifits This is seen in the text where it states, “Discipline was harsh; reluctant military conscripts, disobedient porters, and villagers who failed to gather enough rubber fell victim to the notorious chicotte, a whip made of sun-dried hippopotamus hide with razor sharp edges. A hundred lashes of the chicotte, a not infrequent …show more content…
This can be seen as the portuguese sent people from their territories to go harvest products from foreign lands.
The text “The Economic Bases of Imperialism” was written by John Hobson, an english economist, in the year 1902. The text was written with the intention of convincing the public that even the government placed economic demands as a priority during the European Imperialism.
“But these arguments are not conclusive. It is open to Imperialists to argue thus: "We must have markets for our growing manufactures, we must have new outlets for the investment of our surplus capital and for the energies of the adventurous surplus of our population: such expansion is a necessity of life to a nation with our great and growing powers of production.”
This excerpt, conveys economics as the primary motivation for the European Imperialism of the late 19th century. This is seen as the government recognizes the necessity to expand the economy in order to produce more jobs for the growing population of the nation. In addition, the government also understood the importance of improving the economy in order to sustain the levels of mass production due to the effects of the industrial