The Great Depression began in 1929 after the stock market crashed on a day known as "Black Tuesday" lasting until 1939. It was known as one of the greatest economic disasters in American History. It caused widespread unemployment, poverty, and despair that affected nearly all men, women, and children. This devastating era did not start to fade away until after World War II. One in four American workers became unemployed.…
The Great Plains of the 1930’s was given the name dust bowl because of the massive dust storms caused by the failure to apply dryland farming methods to prevent wind erosion. Most people don't know that grass is an anchor for our soil. When farmers plow the grass up for miles at a time to plant wheat. These tactics mixed with the factors of drought, light soil and high winds cause a catastrophic chain of events known as the “black blizzards” or dust storms. These storms drove off over half of the Great Plain population because of the deaths of cattle and their ravaged pastures.…
They woke up surprised that day and saw a dust storm. People and animals were terrified by the dust storm. The larger areas would get hit by the storm and sometimes be very disastrous. People had to move west because the storms were so bad. Many families bought or leased small parts of land and started to grow crops.…
If farmers tried new techniques the government would pay those farmers extra. 3.The Drought was considered a dry season that lasted for about a decade. It caused high temperatures, high winds, and no rainfall. 4.The Dust Bowl got its name from a journalist traveling through the region. 5.The states of Texas, Oklahoma, western Kansas, eastern portions of Colorado and New Mexico were included in the Dust Bowl.…
The 1930’s was a struggling time for people in the West because of the Dust Bowl, causing lots of problems with the way the people live and their land. This essay is going to explain how the Dust Bowl had developed and the different problems and effects on the people living in the West. To start off, the development of the Dust Bowl started off in 1930 but getting its name in April 15, 1935. The Dust Bowl as stated in passage 1 “The drought hit first in the eastern part of the country in 1930.…
The Dust Bowl started in the 1930s and lasted for about a decade. During the Dust Bowl there was dust everywhere. There was dust piled up in houses in people's lund everywhere you looked. All of this dust affected family dynamics. Most all families had to migrate to the western states where there was no dust.…
The Dust Bowl was a time during the 1930s. The Dust Bowl hit Texas and Oklahoma. The Dust Bowl also touched the borders of New Mexico, Colorado, and Kansas. The Dust Bowl is because during those years there was a drought and they tried to plow the fields. They failed to see a way to prevent wind erosion, so that caused the Dust Bowl.…
The dirt to lost moisture and became loose due to the lack of rainfall. If no grass is in place to secure the soil, like in the 1930s, the dirt will be blown around, contributing to the development developing of a dust storm. Therefore, the drought that occurred during the 1930s certainly was a factor in causing the Dust Bowl. Although the…
Have you ever seen or heard of a drought so bad that it turned nice green hills into a desert of sand and dirt? Starting in the 1930s, in the eastern part of the country, a very bad drought did just that. It made its way west, and by 1934 it turned the Great Plains into a desert. In 1935 this drought was dubbed the Dust Bowl. The Dust Bowl had a huge effect on the daily lives of people and their homes, it wreaked havoc on their economy, and destroyed their land.…
In early 1931, farmers in the southern plains were at their highest peak of money making. While the rest of the nation was being affected by the Great Depression, farmers were producing wheat in masses. The land was described as green and lush and the soil rich. Nobody had realized what they were witnessing would only last a short time before tragedy struck. Railroad companies and states released advertisements to lure settlers to move to the south.…
Have you heard about the Dust Bowl? If you haven’t, this essay will tell you what the Dust Bowl is and where it took place; it will tell you when the Dust bowl started, how long it lasted, and what was the cause; Last but not least it will tell you what the Soil Conservation Service and the Civilian Conservation Corps is and how they helped, also how long it takes to produce soil and why it is important to conserve it. The Dust Bowl was a tremendous step for everyone. The Dust Bowl is when there is a drought and the soil erodes away.…
The Dust Bowl and Life in The 1930ś Introduction: The Dust Bowl was a tragic event in the Southern states that impacted families as many people died and had creased financial responsibilities, but different laws were put in place to help people in the Dust Bowl. The Great Plains suffered a drought between 1930-1940. This drought was caused by changes in weather, farming techniques, economic and cultural factors. Many people suffered during the Dust Bowl including crops and animals.…
What Caused the Dust Bowl? In the 1930’s, there was a horrific time in U.S. history that left a part of the U.S. in the dust. The Southern Plains area of the United States from Texas to Oklahoma panhandle was the hardest hit of the Dust Bowl. A few years passed, then the country was hit with the Depression.…
Humans were one of the causes for the Dust Bowl to begin with. During World War I, when wheat crops were highly demanded, land was left exhausted as it was misused (“The Drought”). It…
The Dust Bowl was bad, because their drought lasted for longer than the Depression did for the city dwellers, but personally I think it was worse for the city dwellers. The farmers could eat their animals, eat animal products like eggs, and can things from their orchards which lasted a little longer than the crops, whereas the city dwellers only source of food was shipped in, or through the soup kitchens. During the Depression most of the workers could not afford anything from the store to feed a family 3 meals a day. Most of the farmers moved out to attempt to find work after a few years of the drought, so they did not starve as long as the city dwellers even though theirs lasted longer. The farm dwellers also did not have to pay as much for heating their homes.…