For many years now people have been trying to figure out what caused these terrible storms. According to the background essay and Donald Worster (Doc A.), the dust bowl was one of the hardest times. The storms ruined farmer’s crops, so then farmers could not get paid because they had nothing to sell. These dust storms also, caused people to get dust in their houses and ruin their belongings. Many people moved to try and get a new life, but many more people could not move because they did not have enough money to do so.…
The 1930’s was a struggling time for people in the West because of the Dust Bowl, causing lots of problems with the way the people live and their land. This essay is going to explain how the Dust Bowl had developed and the different problems and effects on the people living in the West. To start off, the development of the Dust Bowl started off in 1930 but getting its name in April 15, 1935. The Dust Bowl as stated in passage 1 “The drought hit first in the eastern part of the country in 1930.…
The demand for economic demand for agricultural products played a part in the Dust Bowl because there was much of a demand for Ag products that the farmers kept on plowing in the fields and not caring much about protecting the land. The dust from the fields flew around at high velocity of air. This caused deaths by dust getting in the lungs. The dust would get into the house. They said that before they could eat…
The dirt to lost moisture and became loose due to the lack of rainfall. If no grass is in place to secure the soil, like in the 1930s, the dirt will be blown around, contributing to the development developing of a dust storm. Therefore, the drought that occurred during the 1930s certainly was a factor in causing the Dust Bowl. Although the…
By the end of the Dust Bowl over 250,000 were homeless. The Dust Bowl was a disastrous event caused by farmers over plowing the fields in the south, but there were terrible effects on farmers and their crops, animals, and daily lives. The Dust Bowl was caused by farmers but that doesn’t mean it didn’t affect them. Jackrabbits and grasshoppers (a.k.a. locus) weren’t necessarily bad unless you were a farmer.…
Both events resulted in troubled times for people and workers. People lost their homes, suffered from malnourishment and seemed to be struggling to make it through the day. This book focuses on the problems and results of the Dust Bowl, “the worst man-made ecological disaster in American history”. The Dust Bowl followed The Great Plow-up, which “turned 5.2 million acres of thick native grassland into wheat fields”. Eventually, the United States began to enter into the time of the depression and prices for crops began to sink.…
The Dust Bowl is the name for the drought that affected almost two-thirds of the United States and parts of Mexico and Canada. The Dust Bowl became infamous for its severe dust storms that, and the economic effects of the Great Depression, drew the populace away from the Great Plains further west (Schubert, Suarez, Pegion, Koster, & Bacmeister, 2004). There are two main causes of the Dust Bowl; the drought and the failure of farmers to employ proper farming techniques that led to a loss in wind erosion.…
Prior to 1930, the area of the United States between the Mississippi River and the Rocky Mountains (Great Plains) was lush with natural prairieland vegetation and abundant rainfall. It was these characteristics which made it seem ideal for westward development across the United States. However, during the 1930’s, the Great Plains endured a nine year period of severe droughts which lead to intense dust storms which killed crops, livestock and people. This time period has been consequently been labeled as the Dust Bowl.…
The Dust Bowl and Life in The 1930ś Introduction: The Dust Bowl was a tragic event in the Southern states that impacted families as many people died and had creased financial responsibilities, but different laws were put in place to help people in the Dust Bowl. The Great Plains suffered a drought between 1930-1940. This drought was caused by changes in weather, farming techniques, economic and cultural factors. Many people suffered during the Dust Bowl including crops and animals.…
Farmers tore up the topsoil and when the drought and wind came the poor farming methods allowed it to take the top sail away, resulting in a desert like landscape. Many natural events also helped cause the Dust Bowl. When the rain stopped it kill the plants and old root systems of the plains, this allowed the dirt to be loose on the surface. When the winds came they had no problem of taking soil with it creating small twisters on the fields. After the winds continued without rain it escalated and eventually the harmless twisters turned…
Humans were one of the causes for the Dust Bowl to begin with. During World War I, when wheat crops were highly demanded, land was left exhausted as it was misused (“The Drought”). It…
The Dust Bowl was a name given to all of the regions that were affected by the substantial drought in the early 1900s. The term “Dust Bowl” was actually first used by an Associated Press Reporter named Robert Geiger ( Moss and Wilson 46). One area widely impacted by the effects of…
The Dusty Years Causing arid and dusty land, boiling temperatures, and thousands of deaths, the Dust Bowl not only killed many Americans in the central United States, but also triggered one of the most financial downfalls in American history, the Great Depression. The Dust Bowl was the area of parts of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, and New Mexico in the 1930s that experienced strong dust storms and lack of water, causing a drought. Although many factors can be accounted for the causes of the Dust Bowl, the main reason is farmers excessively cultivated and plowed their land, exposing topsoil. The strong wind picked up this topsoil and created strong dust storms; decimating homes, schools, and buildings.…
The Great Depression definitely made everyone in America suffer, but many question who suffered more; the farmers in the Dust Bowl or the city dwellers, and that just depends on what aspect that you look at. The Dust Bowl farmers had a very rough time through the depression because they had no water, and they had no topsoil to even attempt planting a good crop. Although farmers elsewhere had issues because their crops were not selling for as much, they certainly did not have anywhere near the problems the Dust Bowl farmers did; they could at least make a little money off of it. The Dust Bowl farmers lost so much money, because many would buy and plant seeds expecting that the depression and drought could not possibly last another year. Especially…
They lost family, friends, their homes, food, water, everything. The Dust Bowl was the name given to the Great Plains region devastated by drought in 1930s depression-ridden America. (“Dust Bowl”) Drought is a negative thing to people, and all living things.…