Introduction: The Dust Bowl was a tragic event in the Southern states that impacted families as many people died and had creased financial responsibilities, but different laws were put in place to help people in the Dust Bowl. The Great Plains suffered a drought between 1930-1940. This drought was caused by changes in weather, farming techniques, economic and cultural factors.
Many people suffered during the Dust Bowl including crops and animals. Dust pneumonia is a sickness that people u get from getting to much dust in your lungs,it makes people have chest pain, trouble breathing this sickness is fatal( Staff). The Dust was so dangerous it had gotten into Americans mouthś,noses, eyes and ears.Many people and livestock died during the Dust Bowl ( Staff) people died from the dust pneumonia and livestock died by getting dust in their lungs also, they would have dust in their food and water. Many people migrated to California where there were better job opportunities and no Dust Bowl (The Dust Bowl of Oklahoma).
About 400,000 people left the Great Plains. Most people that migrated came from …show more content…
On May, 20,1862 the Homestead Act encouraged western migration, providing settlers 160 acres of public land(History.comStaff). By the end of the Civil War, 15,000 homestead claims had been established, and more followed in the postwar years. Farmers continued to ruin more than 35,000,000 acres of land. The Kinkaid Act was made in 1904 is a U.S. statute that amended the 1862 Homestead Act (History.comStaff).So that one section of public domain land could be acquired free of charge, apart from a modest filing fee. The Dirty Thirties were a period of severe dust storms that greatly damaged the economic and agriculture of America(www.History.comStaff). The Dirty Thirties lasted eight years. There were 14 storms in 1932 and 38 dust storms in