Divine Command Theory: The Euthypro Problem

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This paper will talk about a theory known as Divine Command and the problem that hampers it which is known as the Euthypro Problem. To start off the paper, I will explain what the Divine Command Theory is and the main idea behind it. Next, I will talk about why this theory is so enticing to many people. After, I will reveal the problem with the theory called the Euthypro Problem, why it is titled Euthypro, and why it causes a problem within the theory. Later in the paper, I will discuss how the first part of the theory makes morality trivial and how it makes the concept of God always being good unimportant. Then, I will disclose that the second part of the theory leads to these specific problems disappearing. To finish off the paper, I will …show more content…
The main idea of it is based on what God has ordered us. People who believe in this theory believe that if God ordered for us to do something, then it is good morally, but, if God prohibited something, then it is wrong morally. Also, God created all humans with free will so we each have the choice to live morally right, by following what God wants us to do, or morally incorrect, by committing acts that God has banned (Rachels p. 53).
There are many appealing characteristics to the Divine Command Theory. First, it addresses the problem that is usually faced in ethics because it gets rid of the personal emotions in ethics and makes it objective. There is no subjectivity in it because whatever God allows is good and whatever He doesn’t want us to do is bad. Also, because God is going to judge us at the end of our lives, it is important to still live morally well and not just worry about only you. In other words, any actions that negatively affect other humans will be attributed to you and you may not be looked highly upon by God (Rachels p.
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This problem proves that there is a separate standard of right and wrong that has nothing to do with God or His commands. Most believers want to acknowledge an idea that right and wrong was created by their religion and God because they think they are not religious if they don’t associate right and wrong with God. Since this theory fails to connect morality with God, then believers of Him would dismiss it. This dismissal of the theory should not alter their faith in God, though. Many scholars and believers, like St. Thomas Aquinas, refused the Divine Command Theory for this reason but still believe in God and His instructions. They still believe in God because they are able, and willing, to associate their ethics with religion from a different perspective (Rachels p. 56).
In conclusion, the Divine Command Theory is very important in Philosophy and Ethics. Even though the different parts of it contribute to its difficulty to fully comprehend, it is a necessary topic to study. It is also important to learn about the Euthypro Problem that accompanies the theory because, without the problem, the person would not know why the theory leads to the conclusion that morality is not associated with the will of God. Lastly, it is vital to know that one can still believe in God even if morality is not handed down by Him, just like what St. Aquinas

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